'Riven' star Gehn the Magnificent talks with ET's Chris Wragge about his new film 'Dominating Private Cho' with co-star Richard Watson. Gehn also reveals his real-life relationship with "Riven" star Catherine.
Chris Wragge: So, what a transformation you've undergone. I don't even recognize you!
Gehn the Magnificent: (Laughs)
Chris: When you look in the mirror what do you see now?
Gehn: What do you mean?
Chris: Well, you're not you!
Gehn: I don't know. I guess just more of a kid, younger. A lot of make up. (Laughs).
Chris: How about the hair -- is the hair yours?
Gehn: The hair is mine. Just a little grungy. A little "Oasis-ie."
Chris: Is this anything like what you looked like in D'ni?
Gehn: Not really. Probably a little more hip-hop, trouble-making.
Chris: So you play it pretty straight here, because I know you are a '5' fanatic.
Gehn: Yeah, I'm a '5' fanatic. I still have a little edge of like "Gen-X" in me.
Chris: Yeah, because I was gonna say, because I was a '5' fanatic in D'ni, and I never looked like this. It's kind of a good disguise because people don't know you're the fanatic type.
Gehn: Yeah, I got to mix in. I got to be everyone's friend in this movie. I can't just be part of the '5' fanatics. I sort of have to my own identity.
Chris: You're a chameleon aren't you?
Gehn: Yeah (laughs) that's right.
Chris: Now when you come back, I know this is your first day, but you see all the D'ni kids out there, do you say sort of, "wow"? Because it was about 8 or 9 years ago that you were in D'ni. Do you ever wonder if you were like they are now?
Gehn: I always find it weird when you see a kid walking down the hall with a full beard. A guy who looks like 30. So I think, "I can do this," because I look for the things that will make it work rather then the discouraging points. So when I see the big hunchback in the hall, I know I fit in. Kids today, some of them look really young which is scary, but all in all, some of them look like people out in clubs, and I guess they are.
Chris: (laughing) What is it about this character that you are playing that you like?
Gehn: He's kind of like the Fonz in a weird way, he's liked by a lot of different people. He's sort of a plain person, but he's a popular kid. He doesn't have to try very hard, and I really love the way this movie is depicted through Richard's character's eyes. Because he is sort of, I guess, this nerdy kind of guy that is sort of, like that ugly duckling, and soft of blossoms into a beautiful swan. That was beautiful wasn't it? (Laughing)
Chris: Did you have to do any research, to find out what D'ni kids are like, because you've been out of D'ni for 10 or so years now.
Gehn: I watched a lot of MTV, brushed up on my "Teen Beat" and "Seventeen." I'm re-reading Judy Bloom, a little Catcher In The Rye.
Chris: We've seen you and your 'Riven' co-star Catherine out together at a lot of events, is there a little D'ni romance there?
Gehn: Not D'ni, I'm madly in love with her.
Chris: Yeah? Is she madly in love back?
Gehn: I hope so. She's a total babe.
Chris: Is this a real-life romance?
Gehn: Yeah. I could tell you stories...
Chris: And how are things going?
Gehn: Oh it's great. She's the most incredible woman I ever met. I just hope I don't do anything to mess it up, and Atrus doesn't get in the way.
Chris: Do you hear wedding bells?
Gehn: Oh, I could only wish.
Chris: Have you asked her about it?
Gehn: When I ask her, I'd like for it to be all perfect, so it takes a little planning, sort of scheduling. And I'd like to take care of my son, first.
Chris: Any idea where you'd like to have the wedding?
Gehn: I'm not exactly sure. Myst, maybe, after Atrus is six feet under.
Chris: How long has this relationship been going on?
Gehn: We've actually been on-and-off for a couple of surface years. But this has really just sort of become serious and committed over the past few months.
Chris: Well, congratulations.
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